jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015
A Jose Perdiz no le gustaba trabajar la tierra, ni cuidar de los animales, ni tan siquiera recoger la fruta en los huertos.
El era un artista, un cantero, que disfrutaba trabajando la piedra y creando en su imaginación figuras de santos, angeles, reyes o demonios. Tambien escudos, arcos para las iglesias, o blasones para las fachadas de las grandes casonas.
Trabajaba la piedra, no los campos, y el contacto con los aldeanos labradores en la taberna tampoco era de su agrado.
Procuraba estar fuera de su casa cuanto más tiempo mejor y por ello buscaba sus trabajos de cantero en recónditos lugares de la geografía del norte de Burgos, o en las provincias cercanas de Vizcaya o Alava.
Por el contrario Manuela era una labradora de pura cepa. Lo llevaba en la sangre de sus antepasados.
Amaba las tierras heredadas de la familia, cuidaba del ganado, sembraba la mies, acompañaba a los segadores en verano, manejaba el trillo en la era y engordaba los cerdos para la matanza del invierno.
Era una mujer fuerte y dura como las peñas que rodeaban su aldea.
Ahorraba lo más posible para agrandar sus tierras y trabajaba de sol a sol además de parir hijos durante casi veinte años en sintonia con las estancias de su marido en la casa.
Doce hijos fueron naciendo a lo largo de los años, demasiadas
bocas que alimentar para tan poca hacienda, no había pan para todos y muy pronto las chicas mayores se vieron en la necesidad de emigrar a La Argentina para abrir su futuro incierto en aquella tierras.
Cinco hembras y un varón se vieron abocados a emigrar y tomar pasaje en un trasatlantico que partía de Bilbao o Santander y hacer una larga travesía hasta la ciudad de Buenos Aires donde les esperaban familiares primero y luego las sucesivas hermanas que se habían establecido previamente en la gran ciudad Bonaerense, capial de La Argentina.
Angela, Emilia, Nieves, Felicitas y uno de los varones, Paco, tuvieron que emigrar de su casa igual que hacían multitud de mozos y mozas de las localidades cercanas.
Francisco, Paco familiarmente llamado, era necesario para trabajar las tierras, nunca hubiera emigrado si no hubiera tenido que salir huyendo de su casa como desertor por no ser enrolado como recluta en el ejercito Español destacado en las guerras del norte de África.
Las bajas de reclutas en aquel ejercito eran numerosas, nadie quería ser destinado a aquellas tierras Africanas, y lo que es peor se compraban con grandes sumas la exención de tener que acudir a filas, ocupando otros el puesto de los soldados exentos por dinero de acudir a la llamada del ejercito destacado en las escaramuzas Africanas.
Paco fué uno de los desgraciados llamados a ocupar el puesto de un rico del lugar, cuyo padre había pagado una gran suma para librar a su hijo del servicio militar en Africa.
Enterados de ello y con el mayor sigilo, sin despedirse de nadie en el pueblo o la familia, José y Manuela mandaron a su hijo a la Argentina con sus hermanas, sabiendo que nunca más llegarían a volver a verle.
La tristeza de esos padres y de su hijo se vio compensada por la satisfacción de salvar probablemente su vida.
Ahorrando lo mas posible y con gran pena embarcaron al hijo para siempre en uno de los grandes barcos que partían hacia las Américas.
Seis hijos habían partido ya para Argentina, ninguno salvo Nieves volverían a ver a sus padres, que triste cometido traer hijos al mundo para verlos partir sin esperanzas de regreso.
En la casa familiar permanecían cuatro de los onece hijos que vivos vinieron al mundo, una de las hijas mayores, Isabel se había casado con Goito, un mozo del pueblo con el que muy pronto tendría su primer hijo, Jose María, nieto de Jose y Manuela.
De los cuatro hijos restantes una de la hijas también decidió irse a America con sus hermanos, en el pueblo de Gayangos no veía futuro para su vida así que partió a uno de los puertos del Norte, Santander o Bilbao e inmediatamente embarcó rumbo a la Argentina, a la que nunca llegaria pues desgraciadamente el barco naufragó cercano a las costas Gallegas, pero esto es otra historia a relatar en otro momento.

Nos situamos por tanto en que de una familia de trece miembros solo nos quedan ya cinco en la casa, tres hijos, Pepe, Jesús y Paquita, sus padres José y Manuela y otra hija en una casa cercana de la aldea casada ya con Goito y con el primer nieto nacido para esta pareja de abuelos Manuela Gomez y José Perdiz.
Paquita es la menor de los once hijos nacidos vivos de esta dispar pareja formada por una labradora burgalesa y un cantero gallego que no tienen nada en común, solo amor, una casa y muchos hijos.
el gatufo
In early 1968 are a crucial year that will change the style of understanding life, liberty, and mobilize millions of people eager to change a postwar world that no longer likes most part of the new generations born after the Second World War.
Madrid in the yearning for freedom, democracy and the end of a long dictatorship that lasted thirty years breathed in the atmosphere. Our young players are no strangers to the new changes that are conducive from England, France or the United States.
's place ourselves in an academy of business studies that are prepared to spend a competition at the place of work, Banco Hispano Americano, where they occupy the post of administrative assistants.
The course started in January and our young MJ regularly attends classes with her boyfriend JL, are eager to obtain a position that will allow them official first advance in their careers and increase their monthly salary.
A first February MJ, our protagonist, arrives at the Institute and enters accounting class with her boyfriend, take their usual place for nearly an hour and serve the explanations that the teacher teaches at the time.
JL Finish class and comments to his girl out for a cigarette and stretch your legs.
She prefers to stay and turning his head just behind notes that it is a new student in class.
Moved by an unusual curiosity she supports her back against the wall and directed the new student in his eagerness to welcome the stranger who belatedly pointing to classes.
MJ is a friendly, cheerful, confident, very friendly but extremely shy girl trying to hide a wide smile and a natural empathy that transmits tranquility to its partners.
Hi, you're new, right?
EA pleasantly surprised replied.
Yeah, it's my second day here, but yesterday I did not see though your observation
I guess veteran're in class. already
started on January and yesterday he can not come because I was ill, I do not like missing but really was not able.
, Are restored?
Yeah, thanks, I find myself perfectly recovered.
Incidentally, yesterday you missed reading some essays and see that the teacher has given you what I consider the best, it's imaginative, original, and I loved the way you treat garbage strike in New York City.The humor that exudes your style of writing I found it fun, enjoyable and very clever.
Which kind of you, thank you, sorry you have not told me your name.
Emiliano, nice to meet you, and yours?
Maria Jose, a pleasure.
No. the pleasure is mine absolutely.
Sorry Emiliano, how come so late start classes, you've missed a lot of stuff we have already studied, and forgive my intrusion.
No, nothing to forgive, and I explain that I'm doing military service and to February, I have not been free to start school.
I trust to recover the matters to which I could not attend and if I need some notes I am sure that any partner or companion to me may provide.
No you can be sure Emiliano, myself like I can leave notes you need and feel free to ask me anything that might help to catch up.
Thank you, thank you very much Maria Jose, you're very kind and I appreciate greatly your warm welcome.
Just know in this class to Jesus the boy has it come out just now, it seems that you will conceis too.
Yeah, right, is a co-Jose Luis and the two often go together when there is a break between classes. I'd rather sit here and go over the problems of the next class.
beams also Maria José, keep your mind occupied and prepare the problems that will explain the teacher is very reasoned attitude. Do not know what I'm glad because I had the opportunity to chat with you which I love.
Emiliano Thanks again, you're very kind.
's thanks to you for your kind words and your lovely presence that is a feast for my eyes.
Forty-five years since this story that begins in a haphazard way until 1968 and continues today.
Emiliano Wondering in order to remember it, that's the point and who may want to do a simple story of coexistence between two people of different sexes meet at a sitting academy one after the to be his companion for the rest of his life.
exercising memory, wanting to relive happy times gone, entertainment of a senior citizen day pass stuck at home with no interest in what happens outside permanently who was accompanying and still everything in your life.
He does not know why, who can tell the force that moves fingers drumming a story, what motivates a pen grasp and arise letters, imagined by minds of thousands fleeing their reality by inventing stories, legends, fiction or reality vivid phrases.
In our characters what was once an active, excited about life, full of projects, today has been transformed into peaceful stillness, no future , no projects, no plans, not even travel or daily walks.
Viven today, RIGHT NOW, no future prospects for anything because the disease has taken hold in them and prevents them from leading a "normal" life.
For them if it is "normal", it is what it is and accept it trying to be happy for the rest of their lives nothing can be considered as acceptable daily. It's not normal at all.
But for the prisoner who has spent years in prison private freedom, his days are tailored to the prison routine, which in principle is horrible can become acceptable and there comes a time that the prison is their home, his environment, his refuge, his life.
When released from prison after many years everything will be strange, sometimes unacceptable, incomprehensible, and many return to crime waiting to be held again at home.
Maria Jose, our protagonist, does not leave from home, spend months or years without going outside because outside there is nothing that really interests you in your condition incapacitated for life.
Their world collapsed when in 2000 he was diagnosed with sclerosis progressive multiple, incurable, without treatment, no hope, every day it was going higher still.
early retirement payments in Emiliano harbored hopes of a new life in freedom, travel and future projects in the company of his beloved companion.
none of this would be fulfilled, the disease began to condition their lives as one who receives such a notice can understand.
Fifteen years have passed vividad rich in new experiences every day, life takes a different turn and returns to arise.
should be filling a great void, Maria Jose can not deal with everything before filling her life as mother, wife, partner, lover, and foremost restless person who kept quiet one second always trying to please others.
Emiliano has back stopped future dreams and begins a new stage in your life that change you deeply as human beings.
A series of tasks, duties, projects rethink again day after day to face a situation that anger marking their lives towards new interests, hobbies, everyday tasks that impede think of a future quite uncertain, bleak, sad for most receiving such a notice.
What better hobby, Emiliano think to write, said and done. Timidly first blog in English, then in your own in the pouring ideas, reviews, and feelings towards certain insatifacción time he touches you live.
getting to be an old man, or a man in old age as now called the old, and a lot of the things you hear on the radio or read in the newspapers will piss finally to vary the topics begins to remember his past life and what more happy made him, when he met his lifelong companion , Maria Jose, her partner which now cares, who gives him to continue to live for without it you are not worthwhile to live.
Writing about the years when the two met, as it happened, what they felt, as was the life in those times is just what you now more attracts you and makes you stop thinking about tomorrow.
present times to say, past, current cloistered life, his experiences of young, carefree and joy of being in love, responsibilities acquired being parents, acceptance of them being sick, unable to live a life of activity, walking, travel and projects.
Living After all, common, ordinary, everyday problems and suffering, many joys, never boring, life that continues today, tomorrow will be another story.
++++ Over time it is difficult to imagine how a shy girl, educated and lacking in boldness as Maria José can rotate your body, support your back against the wall and looking straight eyes to a young newcomer and ask him directly if you are new in the class.
Not only that, but then link a conversation ten minutes with the young stranger who just say hello.
has twenty years is thin body and factions , clear eyes indefinite in color depending on the light, and a charming smile exibe as natural to his character.
A this unusual behavior as it can be a harbinger of what is to happen.
's not believable that something can happen because if, most skeptics would think it happened, but it remains an unusual situation and knowing the history of these two young many of us dare to think that something or someone special was present at the time.
's destiny written in souls or lives of every living being, pure and simple accident that changed the lives and destinies of the people around us.
's casual origin of life, of death, of war, of a shift in history. Nobody really knows and every being thinks or feels differently in this respect.
Emiliano is extremely pleased with the situation, unsurpassed in their eyes girl greets you, asks if you are new and strikes up a conversation with the first time meet.
A good start class, think, starting today will be a real pleasure to attend this class and contenplar these factions so appealing to me, and on his head unconsciously a feeling of love began to develop without the same account.
Soon Jesus and JL are back in class and the conversation is interrupted by two young men with no.
The next class of stone passes without feeling, head of Emiliano seething other ideas that keep you from paying due attention to boring market calculus problems.
Who is this attractive girl I've never seen before and which ?, accompanying her boyfriend will have to learn ?, through Jesus, if so what is her boyfriend, who will be seen in? a guy so vulgar as to let alone on a break from class, we can have some more conversation ?, would be really good for me is very nice.
thoughts that come and go through his head unconsciously and distract you from the reality it represents a monotonous kind of imaginary problems stupid enough to their knowledge.
Emiliano has he studied until the age of twenty, he left the Industrial Engineer half because he did not like and all this on the mercantile calculations or business accounts you are extremely easy subjects.
is accustomed to assimilate without taking notes, and pay attention enough, but his first day of school is not paying attention, other feeling completely occupy your mind and heart.
's expected the end of the class and looks forward to sharing a few words Maria José to time to say goodbye.
Subjective or Objective, a word is the antonym of the other and it seems that both assessments can not be a single object, thought, opinion or any other idea that comes to mind.
virtually Is impossible to be simultaneously one thing and the opposite, but it is always well ?.
A if it can be a no ?. Or indeed a can not be interpreted as if ?.
It depends on the context of the sentence or intention with which it is said. And indeed in our Castilian language both terms are used together, simultaneously, in different phrases.
examples there are plenty and one comes to "time"
. + If I did not write this keyboard could phrase
a simple question and reverse the order:
+ I feel like going to the movies, you're tired?
+ No, if you want to go.
Examples are referred to the language, not as disparate as a YES or NO, but are combined.
If you look at what we call "time" there nothing more subjective than objective and that concept as objectively measurable or as little measurable subjectively.
waiting ten minutes to finish a game are endless if we're winning the game, every minute seems eternal.
On the opposing team loses, those ten minutes passed in a flash and minutes even seem to run rampant.
Time is measured objectively, can not be measured subjectively. The time seems eternal pain, the joy is always done shortly.
Which is all the time an old man with a child ?.
equal measure ?, can a teenager or a ?, the love that awaits his beloved on the first date ?.
The years of an adult life with a routine of work, home, weekend, work, home and a new weekend. One year, and another five, ten, fifteen, twenty years of routine, they leave in the memory when the older adult is ?.
have passed without feeling, like twenty forty, only changes in the environment, we in our children in the ways of life tell us that the time has passed. Objectively we measure time by what surrounds us, for our own look. Subjectively it seems like yesterday when we were kids and had our first love.
I look back and live periods of time in my memories seem deliciously long for the happiness that report me or so intensely that were lived.
A trip, a vacation next of the beloved, in time became shorter and the memories we have years later enlarge and occupy significant space in our times and lived.
Years and years of living routine leave no trace, only suffering, loss, accident , holidays, breaks lots of years lived without any significant memory. Weeks, months, years, lived in a flash to our memory.
lived shortens time when we have to remember and uninteresting though they say everything is recorded in our brain all that remains of a long life are small pieces of the we call time or anniversary.
's number of years, days, hours are measurable, but our heads are a lot of the time report that only highlight snippets of life.
forty years are reduced to a few months, or even days, which in our life siginificativo something happened, good or bad, and is actually what the final tally of an ancient succession of hours.
Emiliano remember one year and four months spent with intensity of love. Are not cleared, they have days and times, happy moments that remain etched in your memory.
countless other years have become a lot report months or years in which it was becoming grownup, and why not? old, but in his mind does not want to admit it.
With the mind we do not follow years, no measurable time, we remain young to the very day of our death.
few days have passed, the pace of class is always the same and always tries to stand Emiliano pair formed after Jose Luis and Maria Jose.
Emiliano after JL, and so can watch Maria José from behind and in profile, not none of their gestures, their smiles is lost, gets her melodious voice as she said something to his companion.
Emiliano enjoys listening to him even if not with him, and between classes JL advantage that goes beyond the classroom with Jesus, who knows ?, and logged to a conversation with this girl he likes so much.
Already a moment magical for both she and the take full advantage whenever they are alone.
Hola Maria Jose, how are you?
Okay, and your Emiliano?
Now great, I love to chat with you in these small moments that give us between classes.
No I like going out for a while, Emiliano?
Prefer absolutely enjoy your company and not move my site.
Ha ha, you're kind of truth.
's not at all what I feel. Our conversations always seem interesting and exchange ideas and opinions with someone like you is much better to get out there to breathe cigarette smoke, or catch the last match between Madrid and Barcelona.
Do not tell me you do not see sports on tv ., not what I can believe it because most kids your age are pending the results of the league.
Yeah, I know, but it's not my case. I much prefer to read, listen to music or go to movies. Me too I love the theater, and what kind of music you like most? Generally almost all modern, rock, folk, and especially classical music. Classical? Yeah, I love Mozart, Beethoven or Handel, and of course all Baroque music such as Vivaldi or Corelli. 're leaving me amazed, do not know anyone who knows or likes classical music, I like it too and thought it was a freak.
Well two of us freaks, Maria José, delighted hello and welcome you to the world of freaks. And reading, Maria José, you like to read? What most of all, and that you also like it you always see some book with Emiliano. Well, the truth is yes, I really like. I have read since I was a kid. First comics, then cheap novels, and finally something more serious.
now I'm reading "The City and the Dogs" Vargas Llosa. You've read ?. not the truth, but I'm curious about the literature of Latin America. 's great, this writer Vargas Llosa has a very peculiar way of writing, not like anyone, I love it.
And so, day after day Maria Emiliano Jose and exchange ideas about themselves, is doing in that section of the Bank works her today, what they like both, and even the computational problems that have put them talking and sometimes Maria Jose has not solved due to time constraints.
's copy and Emiliano tries to explain the solution before the teacher arrives and go through all the board, and get some student to see how has.
To Emiliano is always a nice option to explain to Maria Jose these problems and chat with her for a while on your tastes and ideas.
Pity that are just ten minutes at most.
sensation that has with it's floating, feels attracted to her helplessly to respect.
know she has a boyfriend, has always seen together, not explain that appeal may have JL for her.
Human feelings are a mystery, think, and not explain that makes such an attractive and sweet as girl is a boy as Jose Luis fail short breaks in class to let alone.
February mid class finished, Jesus and Jose Luis are talking when they come down the stairs, go out, gives the impression that Jesus accompany the couple and will Emiliano says that goes with them, you can not approach it home in his "Vespa" as usually done unless Emiliano point to walk.
's does not think and says, great, happy to accompany you.
Four tuck the street up to the confluence of Goya, Alcala and Conde de Peñalver.
Jose Luis and Jesus go before talked football is his favorite topic, while Maria Jose and Emiliano follow them behind and continue where they left off in class.
Your you usually read Maria Jose?
Of all actually, I love the theater, Alejandro Casona, the Russian classics, also the French, and of course our own.
're more selective than I, because I really like the detective genre and science fiction.
And on the job yesterday, "Hippies" in California and the rest of the USA, you think Maria Jose?
not tell you, do not quite understand what they want and why they have to leave everything and go to live in communes.
'll be amazed but if I understand though their motives are otherwise Idole than ours.
Are they disagree with their parents, with the previous generation, with the American way of life and above all are against of the Vietnam War, refuse to cooperate with a capitalist, consumer society, leading his youth to fight and die for a distant country invaded by its military.
they do not agree and escape that society into the desert living in communes where they share everything.
interesting what you say Emiliano, I would not had been raised in this way.
Emiliano still a cloud chatting with her, the girl thinks, though in reality it is not.
's imagine it is, how well they sit beside talking and walking so close to each other without knowing for sure where they go.
understand that you find Jesus, and himself, will accompany them to the house of Maria Jose.
seems that the couple always returns home from her walk if it does not rain.
A Emiliano does not mind being late to his own house, he would walk with her to the end of the world for all eternity, feels the glory walking beside her and this initial walk by his side, after the other two characters, will be etched in your memory forever.
is curious to see this group of four walking on a street in Madrid at the end of February.
Jose Luis, Jose Maria boyfriend, Jesus will chatting with football and other sports.
Two meters further back Maria van Jose, the first alleged girlfriend, chatting with Emiliano newcomer to the class and that seems to have similar taste.
speak of film, books and music. Sports are not interested and have formed a separate group.
Emiliano told me that you like science fiction and mystery.
So Maria Jose, for years a liking to them and me is on my regular reading. I hardly find it hardly published in Spain.
And the reason for which you think is not published?
There is no tradition in this literature, publishing only doing it's Nebulae, and are very expensive, plus Editions Minotaur's edited in Argentina.
authors And you like science fiction, may know some and have not qualified as such.
Former classics could be Jules Verne or HG Wells in some of his novels. And now the best known are Isaac Asimov, Bradbury, R. Mathesson, RA Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, among many others.
Emiliano Sorry but unless J.Verne HGWells or do not know any more, I'll have to go the presenting.
Okay, I'll let a book of them and I'm sure you will like.
these two young people sometimes coincide in their opinions even if their tastes and hobbies.
enjoy talking about music, film and especially literature.
For both find someone they can talk about these issues it is very pleasing and are comfortable chatting next to each other.
(as they will be after forty-six years together)
Emiliano next to this girl feel like in glory and little gradually his feelings for her are deeper without realizing it. He's falling in love with this girl and is unaware that it is already paired.
you living the present moment without asking anything, he is not aware, just enjoy his company, his talk with feel close to him, walking the streets of that wonderful city that is Madrid a mild winter day.
nothing there for except this girl, no cars, no people, is only aware of it and everything else does not count, has disappeared from their perceptions.
Where have you been up to Now, Emiliano asks, you have not seen before.
Similar ideas racing through your head as you feast with your presence and with your talk.
Too soon come by the house where she lives and the couple of friends who were walking in front of them are waiting for them to say goodbye.
Which crosses her head ?, nobody knows, seems to enjoy the time with this new guy she just know and likes your company in addition to their conversation about their favorite subjects.
Maria Jose or Emiliano not raised anything about them, they are at ease with each other, when they have the opportunity to share your company, and that is enough for them.
was fired four tomorrow, and both couples split.
Both friends to where you park the "Vespa" of Jesus, the wedding couple to her house.
Emiliano think boyfriends are formal, the enters your home and that means the family accepts him and know him.
Pity, he tells himself that this couple have in common ?.
is it possible that this guy go before chatting without worrying that your girlfriend goes to another, chatting, happy and what you, do not understand, you should feel very safe with her.
Anyway, Emiliano, do you care to such a question, he says to himself, but can not help but keep thinking about her and how much she likes to chat and be his side.
Unaware is falling, and is the usual story, we like what is beyond our reach.
No, for love no possible cure other than time and distance.
That must have felt when Emiliano unconsciously put distance between himself and Maria Jose.
How and why ?.
Did not know it, you have not known then and even now you can not explain it rationally, but it happened and could have been definitive if the target was not determined to join this couple.
After the odd walk the four friends, some confidences or comments about music, books or movies, and Maria José Emiliano did not progress much in their relationship.
They chatted, chatted, and quietly and Emiliano loved this girl.
She front with Jose Luis, the back with Jesus, waiting for the moment to relate at the break, between classes, when both Jesus and Jose Luis left the classroom for a cigarette and chat the last game they had seen on TV.
Inadvertently Emiliano was casting for her, every day, and did not realize that his story had no satisfactory end.
In what could end such a relationship?
Just chatted, he admired her, felt comfortable with each other and nothing else, and so when ?.
Final happen in the most unexpected way, and this is what happened to them.
One day when she showed up in the classroom alone, with Jose Luis, the chance would have it the calculus teacher, Mr. Sestafe, was delayed without them knowing why.
Emiliano and Jose Maria took advantage of their time off, and they were both alone, is to catch their lives.
She told him that she had a skiing accident and suffered a fracture of the femoral head.
It had been a year and a cast had at least two operations to repair the damage to hip.
He had been very badly and still resented in pain while trying to standing from sitting hours.
I did not realize, says Emiliano, do not notice anything.
Look closely and you may see a slight limp because I can not bend my leg properly, I said it.
And when you fell, Maria Jose?
Year and a half ago or so, I've recently reinstated to work at the Bank, I have been a year of low.
Tremendous, Maria José, let me very impressed.
Basically Emiliano was suffering with her. He imagined the accident, he lived his pain at such misfortune.
A motionless year, a cast from the waist down, I could not stand, he says.
Do not know Emiliano what we are capable of suffering, and in my case the accident has changed me, made me more adult, she has allowed me to reflect and think how lucky we are to be able to walk, run our legs, our hands, be free to come or go where we want, and all that I have been assimilating in days of immobility and inability to care for myself.
I read a lot, I've heard countless times on the radio, and especially missed the sun, walking, to go to the toilet, the daily work in order to not give any importance when we can move freely without binding or disability.
And so, catching up on their lives, their concerns was spending part of the time devoted to calculus class without the teacher appeared for the academy.
Many students had left, but they remained in the class as if no one else existed, both enthralled in conversation.
Today Emiliano realizes how much he likes Maria José, is in love with her and has realized perfectly when shared personal confidences they would not share with others.
've had magical moments chatting as more than just good friends and lights alarm light in the boy's head.
Centre she would be happy, think, share my life with this girl forever. I like to rage feels and thinks, but is already committed weighing me wrong and do not understand.
Which will then Jose Luis ?.
It's a mystery to him, and obviously does not dare to touch that subject with her.
Their respect by José Maria tells her that she will have their motives, their feelings, even that does not understand and is willing to dig into their innermost desires or commitments.
taboo topic if you want to keep enjoying their company and friendship.
The Charm between them is broken when the academy director arrives and tells them that Mr. Sestafe can not come to impart his calculus class and therefore can go home.
Fín chat, so magic, so intimate and spiritual contact they have these two kindred spirits.
For I have known this girl too late ?, asks him when he rushed addresses his jacket hanging in the closet and tells Maria José "goodbye until tomorrow, I have spent a great time chatting with you, " sorry not last thinks for himself and quickly leaves the academy without waiting for anything else.
It is already on the defensive about their own feelings ?. So do not wait ?. That object has deepen their relationship when no future ?. He could have waited, offered to walk her home, prolong a little longer his talk, eye contact, and with that intention, you might wonder ?.
not do, without thinking of anything else, remembering his presence and talk walks to briskly way underground.
was she, thinks the girl who fell in the mountains and broke her hip.
had been aware of the accident long ago, before he was doing his military service, because there was much commented peer Bank .
pities her, I feel strongly endorsing the pain and hardship that José Maria has been through over a year of plaster, but their thinking goes no further.
Unconsciously just raised a shield before her and their own desires. You like too suffer unrequited love and from that day, without prior determination, the situation begins to change for them.
Emiliano anger marking distances not to suffer, not to fall in love much of it can not be, thinks and is clear that it is a serious and responsible girl who would never have a double game.
Whether it's with Jose Luis, is with him and point, there is more to talk about or expect otherwise.
I with it would be all my life, I would be happy, but you're too late, they say, just as usual.
Like inaccessible as has already happened and what you CAN NOT, you can not be. Do not expect anything else.
In begins to sit at the back of the class, there is no talks during the breaks and it seems that their friendship cooled when in fact its proximity would be hot.
She feels?
Thank primarily by Jose Luis.
A deep and abiding appreciation for the well behaved when José Maria needed the support of a friend before his unfortunate fall.
prevented him for a year to lead a normal life enable, a person seventeen years cut short their way of life by a freak accident.
For her future uncertain opened at such a mishap, it could start walking properly ?.
limp for life ?, could climb again mountains with friends, dancing, swimming, running? In short everything that a sexy young seventeen aspired to do in Spain sixty ?.
Jose Luis went to see her at home day after day, encouraged him, was there when I need support, and gradually the feeling gratitude and affection took hold in her with great force.
, I was dragged down by circumstances and when I suggested that they were sweethearts could not refuse.
He introduced his family, he gave her an engagement ring, entered his house, it was the please his mother and brother.
When I wanted to realize she was engaged at twenty, finite freedom, engagement wedding, official girlfriend, and much gratitude for the boy.
Como break this commitment to the call of love ?. Genuine love as a young Emiliano could offer ?.
Neither is it raised, the thanks it was full and could not break the heart of someone who had been so good about herself.
Besides, she knew she Emiliano ?.
thought that would logically have girlfriend and that was why he left in a hurry once finished the class.
not expect her to come out, try to go with her, it was an unmistakable sign that the awaited another girl.
luck has to have a boy as you are, with whom to talk, share hobbies, what she likes almost any other boy his age.
No smoke, does not drink, does not like football, I like reading, theater, classical music, everything she liked to share with your partner and with Jose Luis could not share.
Yet nothing had been served Emiliano girlfriend or not, he would have said something to her about her feelings, if they felt attraction his person did not know.
was engaged and could not break that commitment, was against their ethics and not even having to say another boy she liked as she did with this, remain true to their principles and put distance between Emiliano and her.
surprised that I did not wait for that day when they had talked so much about themselves, had mutual confidences.
empathy between them was evident, but had rushed out with "tomorrow, I really enjoyed our conversation. "
Goodbye, see you tomorrow, this meant ?.
For it was clear, was another girl in his heart that he would be waiting.
Danger therefore that you say something, you fall in love with her and change her relationship, no.Could remain good friends.
Both Emiliano and Maria Jose were confused.
She felt gratitude and respect their undertaking. I knew nothing of Emiliano's feelings towards her and neither did I know. I thought, at the inactivity of the, who was also compromised.
Emiliano knew nothing of her commitment, which was the reason for having a boyfriend Jose Luis, and better than not knowing. Undoubtedly had achieved nothing of it and muddied the relationship had a future that was to come.
There's your girl and do nothing to get it, is beginning to move away from it and change site in the classroom, it is located behind the hotel overlooks entirely the whole class and talk with colleagues or partners who rely on like the pass the exams.
Which may explain a similar reaction ?. Incomprehensible to many, but absurd results when time is inexorable and the chance to catch the treasure has long passed beyond repair.
It's so simple and inexplicable as you fall in love, the girl is committed, you understand that "your girl" with serious her happy, and ......
You do nothing ?. You walk away ?.
Some can understand ?.
Shyness, insecurity, inexperience ?, can be attributed to such behavior.
Respect and loyalty, perhaps ?.
is possible, respect the feelings of the loved one is complicated and difficult to understand for who does not harbor a personal ethic and appreciation especially to himself and to the people around them.
Emiliano feels a huge weakness for Jose Maria understands it would be his girl, his love, his prized treasure if she voluntarily decided to end a relationship that does not like and choose you to the elapsed some time.
's action should follow her, respects your opinion, your choice basically do not want to force the taste or her will for their own benefit.
would not be good, sure of it, and that is why without thinking, without considering any alternative guarding their own feelings and bury them upright and away from it mentally and physically.
Time will tell what he has to say, inside feels everything as it is written in the fate of the living.
Coincidence does not exist and for which be will be, if we put honest and ethical means of doing so.Without exceeding the limits, its line of personal behavior or attitudes as there are acts that your mind and your heart is not accepted.
accepts not break a relationship forcing their actions, it would not work because his conscience was going to criticize and even the loved and would not be the same for him.
Their ethics or honesty should be the ethics and honesty of that which loves, friends, people that founded, and if not thus prefer to stay alone, even if it hurts .
The "you stay here because I met someone else, I love, more than you, and in fact I'm dating or she" is not going to, never has seen or will see it well, and of course not the attitude that you want to be his girl.
understood or may not be standard behavior or not, but he's so confident and not change.
wait and want loyalty, love, trust and common sense in the person you choose and in it, what if anything is as important or more.
Van the weeks, months, and aptitude tests that will come close in June.
Past talks between her and have finished up four walks home Maria José not recur.
's embers remain on, are covered by the ash but the fire is activated with the slightest breath.
's not going to happen, respect and distance remain alert and winter is happening.
On May Maria José takes leave for fifteen days, has taken a vacation that you will enjoy with her mother in the "Costa del Sol".
speak both, and Emiliano comments that possibly this rest so close to the exams will affect their results, but goodbye with affection and think, "I like, I like both, sorry not my girl she would be happy now and forever."
She has returned from his vacation more attractive than ever.
Their tanned skin favors him completely, Emiliano think, and what is best relaxed note, smiling, happy, with an enviable appearance.
unknown whether or not adopt its promotion exam in the bank, but the holidays have done her in the best way he can think .
exploits May of colors, the days are long and the entry into the academy is already done in broad daylight.
their short Winter days far behind, the girls are exquisite with its almost summer outfits but Emiliano only she exists, his tanned skin, green eyes, freckles funny, her slender guy, his soft voice telling as the holiday has passed, and Emiliano, hiding their feelings to be tight or overly serious.
nothing in his attitude reveals his feelings or think, listening intently, welcomes Maria José, and returns to his place at the end of class.
She and her guy are sitting in front, in the front row right now and it seems like she lost time in the holidays .
Approve the exam anyway?
She's seen of it there is almost nothing. In early June just classes and soon will undergo the first heat with writing materials, estimating, accounting and issues called "training of the national spirit" as they continue living in a harsh dictatorship.
This aspect of the review is absolute roll but no choice but to memorize points of Spanish jurisdiction, rights, obligations, exalting the virtues of the Spanish people, and similar issues that do not really matter to most people.
's May 68, and soon social and political movements will give a return to the oxidized European and global structures that no longer serve youth, university students and workers.
Begins demonstrations in Paris, which some days later spread throughout France completely paralyzing the country neighbor.
European Nations Some of these demonstrations will continue, but not in Spain which are controlled and repressed by the National Police, "grays" that have entered and occupied the classrooms of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Emiliano is doing his service military on the staff, following closely all the "moves" as the department that is is "the secret service of the Army" and has to keep the mind awake and mouth absolutely closed.
Their whole intent is NOT note ideology and feelings, as they are with the protesters, with young students who rebel in Paris and other cities of the French geography.
In spring Mayo, Jose Maria is beautiful as never before had seen Emiliano .
Breeze Beach has sat so well, think there is nothing more to see how beautiful she is.
Classes are coming to an end, outside the Peninsula, in Europe the company is exploding, but here in Spain nothing happens.
regime of General Franco is oblivious to what is happening in other parts of the globe and seeks to suppress under a strict censorship on the media.
communist Prague in social partnership established for decades since World War II seems to wobble.
Not so and the "Prague Spring" will not succeed, Russia and strict control after "the Iron Curtain" will take care of it.
France is paralyzed strike of millions of workers and students that they shake the regime of General de Gaulle, then the shock wave of revolution and freedom to cross the Atlantic and affect Latin America.
In Argentina, Uruguay, and Mexico days of riots, demonstrations and strikes culminating in a slaughter perpetrated Square is live Tlateloico Three Cultures of Mexico City, where on October 2 centeneras life lose students gathered in the plaza, brutally murdered dead by law enforcement calls and army.
Madrid In all this apparent calm, nothing mouths and said because the press is closed, every man for himself and his work may be the best approach when police monitors and no such mergers are allowed.
Tourists are choosing Spain for its beaches Sol, prices and the usual friendliness of the people who populate the Spanish lands.
hospitality that comes from very old, of Mediterranean and Arab peoples who inhabited the peninsula for hundreds of years throughout history.
classes in high school finished, the promotion exams in the Bank will be in early June.
All are fired in class, good luck wishes, exchange phone numbers, addresses, and places of work.Good intentions to continue budding friendships that will likely be what nobody knows.
's not the case of Emiliano and Jose Maria, goodbye, good luck and are to be "hasta la vista", that's all.
No phone numbers no intention to re-see, there actually thought that they can return to encontrase in the future.
Emiliano think all over now, you will no longer see it almost certainly.
's still doing his military service until next will not go back to her job at the Bank making it very difficult for them to agree on a huge city like Madrid.
feels very sad but further, their intentions are to pass the exam, return, continue learning English, later request leave in the bank and go out of this country does not like.
Absence of freedom, culture, democratic principles, censorship butt, but that if much joy apparent, lots of sun, a lot of football, many bulls, good time , tapas, beer and good life for having more than enough.
Regime general remains buoyant despite happened outside the borders and the general feeling of all, living Spain for here live better than anywhere else.
A Vietnam War also did not affect the anti-war demonstrations at the moment, then gradually start withdrawing until it ends in 1976 after the Paris Peace Accords.
Those who complete their classes all this story of a world that elapses outside the boundaries of the regime seems to affect them.
Madrid Life in the summer is peaceful and anticipated days of intense heat that filled the beaches and pools of eager vacationers and tourists begin to invade the land of friendly Spain.
exams coming soon and the result of what we have studied over the past months will not taking too long.
The review has been good for, it will pass the first test calculation, accounting and writing is sure.
then need to prepare the Bank's internal and examined in September to get the desired space official if it approves and knows those topics.
depends on, you have to remember too many things, model diaries, petitions, . cards, balances, and so the entire operation of a bank office negotiated consideration is divided into three sections:
Safety-Compensation, Accounting, and finally Portfolio-Foreign Trade, which one to choose ?.
have no idea of any of paragraphs although working in the Department Foreign logical, what is expected is to be examined by Cartera-Foreign Trade.
has not seen Maria José on tests, as they'll be gone by names and on different days, it is likely that she touched a different day.
As I exited the exam will ask ?, Emiliano. Well sure, but is a responsible girl she left for vacation in May.
, I'm convinced that it's happened, maybe we meet in September, who knows ?.
I would love to see her and chat.
also has been good for her, even better than I expected, and of course expected to approve a high note.
'll have to study all summer and working in the morning, all morning, afternoons in July and August you will touch studying firm.
will be approved Emiliano ?, wonders for a moment, I could not see him but I think, I'm sure, that have passed the test with flying colors.
And still making plans, no walks, no cinema, weekends elbows bowed house and that will be the trend of behavior for her.
Jose Luis has not approved, they will not be considering both simultaneously and will have to understand that she will not be free to leave the two together in the evening as they used to do before going to adopt an opposition.
Failure has been taken to well, she passes and not, as can be? he asks.
has always seemed a little crazy ?, not know, I thought I did not have many chances of passing and even less that the suspended and she approved.
?, And now the question is, unable to leave because the child has to study.
Well, often bored, every evening at home because she has to study ?. We'll see, certainly convinces her to leave, if approved well and if they are no longer two.
was present again next year if places are available.
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for Those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey ... hey, hey, hey)
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for Those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey ... hey, hey, hey)
Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry With Your cupcakes
It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair
Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids
Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know ( Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for Those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey ... hey, hey, hey)
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates discussion
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns ITS lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo)
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Joltin 'Joe has left and gone away
(Hey, hey, hey ... hey, hey, hey)
Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
source: http: / /www.lyricsondemand.com/
is summer 1968, hot, very hot, relieved by the voices of Simon & Garfunkel to sing "Mrs. Robinson" success time half the world.
It's a different song with a new sound pretty sweet Emiliano enjoys listening every time.
occasionally going to the pool and the melody always sounds just like the composite years before "The Sound of Silence" and any other duo.
loves New sounds but not understand anything letters.
not know that "The Sound of Silence" was written by Paul Simon after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November 1963.
The letter refers to a poetic form of stupor that flooded American society before the assassination committed in Dallas.
"The Sound Of Silence"
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I 've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left STI seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision That was planted in my brain
Still Remains
Within the sound of silence.
restless In I Walked Alone dreams
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my necklace to the cold and damp
When my eyes Were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs That voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools," said I, "You do not know -
. Silence like a cancer grows
. Hear my words That I might teach you
. Take my arms That I might reach you "
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they 'made.
And the sign flashed out STI warning
In the words That it was forming.
And the sign said, The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence.
Hardly anyone in Spain knows that motivation and love it for the fashion duo and harmony of their amazing voices singing ballads with lyrics that almost no one understands.
's English was not the language studied in high school, all students chose the French.
sounds good, very good, the duo like everyone, they are not rock-eros as Rolling or other fashion groups in the early sixties.
Maria Jose has approved the first test and the summer will study against the expressed will of his companion Jose Luis.
's not resigned to stay home all afternoon and vainly pressed to go to the movies, walk or dance.
She refuses, you have to study and not meant as Jose Luis is so unsympathetic to your situation.
happens with this guy asks Maria Jose, who does not accept my circumstances.
Actually Jose Luis is complexed, he has not approved and if his girl.
has to endure teasing from friends who will repeat the fact that his girlfriend has beaten him in the exams and mortified by the situation he refuses to cooperate with Maria Jose.
thinks it would be ok that she also suspend now would be on an equal footing.
Humiliate have the companion a a woman smarter than that surpasses him in culture, tastes, and even beats playing chess.
each passing day in this futile struggle is most revealing for their differences José Maria constantly strives to combine their exits and their studies.
He is not being understanding, caring, a good partner to rely on for the future when both have to face different situations and need mutual support.
Jose Luis begins to not be your guy, his selfish attitude confuses Maria Jose and doing producing a sense of alienation and incomprehension.
What seemed solid and confirmed their relationship, is cracking the attitude.
A Maria Jose are opening your eyes and begin to realize that this guy is not "their guy "it is not at all, she sucks another kind of relationship.
mutual understanding, support, be able to talk for hours without getting bored, have confidence and dedication to each other, and Jose Luis is not live, think Hit it.
Dealing with Emiliano has been revealing for the girl, if I could talk to for long periods of time, I felt very close, attentive, caring, hanging on his words and especially akin to your tastes.
Pity Emiliano has moved away from her and is sure he already has his girl. As shot out of the class was a sign that had a girlfriend waiting for him.
however thinks there will be another guy to her than meets the qualities expected of a good companion faithful, friendly, attentive to your needs or commitments.
Begins be clear to her that Jose Luis is not that fellow a woman waiting to join the lifetime.
The problem is that they are committed, are official boyfriends, and not know how to consider breaking a long relationship.
'll need a lot of courage and determination to make such a move.
Tackling the conveniences of the moment, the time in which it is not easy for a girl to a woman, to run such a break. First strives to understand the attitude of it, but then traces a solution in his head.
consultation with anyone and not going to take the most appropriate positions to no harm.
José Maria not taking much go with delaying their departures, desanclando their dependency or commitment to a relationship that is becoming absurd.
No trauma, no pain, begins to long for everything that goes proposing making him understand that there is no understanding.
Eventually the two realize that the situation can not continue like that and she takes a controversial on account of football to suggest that you take some time off a month, that will be enough to make him understand that what he has done.
Summer 1968 season wonderful to hear good music that year.
Emiliano studying every evening the agenda of the Bank and the listening on the radio hits.
Beatles, The Doors, Mary Hopkins, and as Elton Jones and "Delilah" ring incessantly.
He keeps doing his military service in the morning, and some days he plays guard and stays all day in the office of the SIM.
It is best if you want to study, radio, top 40, and study or at least try.
He thinks of nothing but approve repaid to the Bank in January 1969 and request the leave in 1970 with five years of service.
Need a good charge arrears to start wherever you will go, as an emigrant.
United Kingdom?
That is your idea, first to the UK to complete his learning English and then to Canada, British Columbia.
And that work?
Draftsman thinks has the title Official Draftsman and want to convalidarlo. Enthusiasm and desire to emigrate is not lacking, but do not know their plans are very unlikely to be met.
The fate of a very different book you have in your mind and will soon become aware of this plan.
Reminds Maria José and wonders that happened to her, and your exam if you will see, it is not easy working in an office with over a thousand employees and dozens of different negotiated will be very difficult.
But one day in late July when they go to meet a friend who collects salary with your permission, it intersects with Maria Jose, at a traffic light at La Puerta del Sol.
It is across the street Alcala and the currency at the other end with her boyfriend Jose Luis, van arm and walk fast.
It's time to leave the office, in the bank, and the two walk briskly forward to getting home.
Emiliano has no time to react when he is aware of it, Jose Maria walks away and is down stairs of Metro.
He is glad to see her and also suffers when he sees that accompanied.
What did you expect, think?
You can do it, it will silently thinking, nothing really.
Have disappeared from sight and quickly pulled forward because her friend is waiting for you with ready to give it monthly. You can not make her wait and pick up the pace without more. It will be a memory that will keep all their lives. Passed her so unexpectedly and not even be able to cross a glance or a greeting.
Summer runs hot as always in Madrid.
Cold winters, hot summers, autumns delicious, unstable springs, is the keynote of this capital city of Spain.
Its inhabitants are used at any temperature.
Below zero, three, four or five degrees in January or February and summer thirty-six or thirty-seven in the shade.
Give plenty of time to feast in September heat and wishing with all forces the hot, hot summer is over.
That's what feels Emiliano, the summer ends, come exam and know what to expect depending on the amount charged if approved examination.
Early October last, and the proof of the agenda is here.
How will your test?
It is hopeful that well, has studied firm and think it's all a matter of good memory and not fail at the time of exposing the agenda they request.
Luck has not been studied when virtually everything, even memory lapses and lack of clarity in discussing the answers may happen.
Soon you will see the candidates.
The year 1968 is ending, has been a contentious year in half the world, will go down in history as the year of the great protest against the system.
May 68 in Paris, Prague Spring, massacre of students in Mexico City , riots and protests throughout Latin America have meant a radical change in the habits and ways of understanding freedom.
come in later years the bloody and repressive dictatorships forge blacklists murdered and disappeared.
nothing moves in Madrid begins to get cold even though winter has not begun.
Emiliano and Jose Maria are satisfied, both have passed examination and become First Officers at Banco Hispano Americano, increased category, salary, and greater consideration by of bosses and colleagues.
they know nothing of each other, as they have been unable to agree on the exams or work.
Emiliano has not returned to work because it is a month to fulfill his military service. It will end later this year and will join the staff of the Bank in the month of January 1969.
Their future plans are taking shape, more working a year and asked the leave to leave out of a country, Spain, which does not like .
Feels foreigner in his own land, almost nothing of the customs that surround it attract you, he likes classical music and no one is known to this kind of music appeals to you, likes arthouse, incessant reading , rock, studying English, language virtually unknown to most, and finally there is no girl laying feel true love. What could have last winter but she was engaged and his feelings were entirely platonic.
Whatever it is it has no idea, and now the only person who feels love other but real love is for his mother.
's sorely missed when he leaves, he is sure, is the only reason I can make him hesitate in purpose to escape a seedy and undesirable environment.
Maria José is pleased with his new position in the Bank, but immersed in their personal affective conflict.
Was Jose Luis told that a month of reflection on their relationship although deep are made, after many efforts to improve their relationship without success, she is convinced that everything has come to an end.
It is relaxed and calm with the decision, she wants out of life and love quite another thing he has had.
Centre once enough or reach the ideal ratio to target or anything.
prefers to be alone, quiet, no problems or discussions he's had.
know that there is a guy for her, somewhere, a man who makes her happy, desired, loved, listened to, and only deep and true love that man make you feel again committed to.
If love is not a total prefers to remain alone, does not repeat an experience like that has and is about to end soon definitely.
Contentos but separated, and these young people are in Madrid at the end of 68 , significant year
in the world and in the lives of future generations to accept the changes naturally.
The coming decade will be full of change and suffering.
In the Latin American Southern Cone bloody dictatorships emerge to be responsible for tens of thousands
of dead and missing.
dictatorship in Spain Will finish, end the bloody and unjust Vietnam War, and begin the energy crisis, resources, disappearance of the ozone layer, acid rain, and consequently the major environmental movements for conservation of the planet .

No es una pesadilla ni un mal sueño, estoy en la calle caminando en una agonía, me dirijo a la casa de mi joven amigo sin esperanzas de encontrarlo.
El hedor es espantoso, según salgo a la calle la putrefacción me rodea por doquier.
Miles de toneladas de basuras se amontonan hacia cualquier parte que mires.
Los arboles caídos se están deshaciendo pasto de la destrucción sistemática de toda la madera que constituía el tronco y las ramas.
Las hojas han desaparecido, se han convertido en polvo negruzco que lo invade todo.
La visión resulta obscena, millones de pequeñas larvas, gusanos y otro microorganismos pululan por los troncos y ramas desgajadas que a su vez se van deshaciendo en informes montones grises y malolientes que siguen estorbando el paso.
El proceso final parece ser pura descomposición e inmundo polvo acumulado por miles de toneladas.
Todo resulta gris, opaco, no hay transparencia en el ambiente.
La visión está limitada por unas decenas de metros sin que parezca que la luz del sol logre traspasar la barrera de polvo suspendido.
Montones de formas informes yacen acumuladas sobre el suelo.
Me acerco a observar lo que son y un horrible olor me echa para atrás.
No deseo retroceder, tengo que ver que no es lo que estoy imaginando, y vuelvo a acercarme a una de ellas.
Lo peor se confirma. Son cuerpos amontonados de personas fallecidas en mitad de la calle. El ejercito los ha ido recogiendo y amontonando, para que?.
Lo estoy viendo pues diversas fogatas se perciben en la gris luz del tremendo amanecer.
Están quemando los cuerpos cuando los montones son ingentes. Por la extensión del fuego algunos edificios que circundan las fogatas están ennegrecidos e incluso algunos quemados. ¿Y las gentes que los habitaban, donde están?.
Desalojados o muertos también, está claro, aunque doy por hecho que cientos de miles han ido abandonando la ciudad o han muerto abatidos cuando trataban de escapar al amparo de la noche.
Muchos de ellos engrosan los montones que voy divisando, a este paso no será necesario que la asfixia de cuenta de todos nosotros.
Lo harán los soldados que incesantemente circulan equipados con máscaras y armados de fusiles con bayonetas, arcos y grandes cuchillos que penden de sus cinturones.
Ahora me explico la ausencia de disparos que yo atribuía a que ya no había motines o revueltas.
No, ya no hay disparos, nadie puede correr, administran una muerte silenciosa y efectiva.
Me fijo más y veo que el suelo está pastoso en una mezcla informe de polvo, basura y sangre.
La sangre se mezcla con todo y forma una masa que va resecándose formando caprichosas e informes formas acumuladas con la basura.
Resulta escalofriante imaginar en que se han convertido
las calles de la gran ciudad.
Al caer la noche el infierno se desata en forma de ejecuciones sumarísimas de todo aquel que circula sin permiso especial de tránsito, o al menos es lo que supongo, aunque puede ser que esos permisos son ya inexistentes.
Si los hubiera, ¿quien los tiene y para que se emiten?, me pregunto.
Informes figuras van apareciendo de los edificios, que en silencio y arrastrando algunas pertenencias caminan en silencio, nadie sabe hacia donde o con que intenciones.
Las puedo imaginar, huyen arriesgándose a que la noche les pille al descubierto y pasen a formar parte de los montones de muertos que se hacinan por doquier esperando ser incinerados.
No hay compasión alguna pienso, cae la noche y todo aquel sorprendido fuera de las casas es ejecutado sin piedad, cuando no tiene permiso de paso.
Lo estoy imaginando, pero será lo que ocurre cuando veo las decenas de cuerpos que se amontonan cada cien o doscientos metros.
La visión de todo mi entorno es horrible, aunque la peste indescriptible que agrede mis sentidos hace casi imposible imaginar algo que no sea seguir, dar un paso tras otro, no preguntar, no hablar, no pensar.
Un paso más, y otro, no mires, no pienses, continua tu camino hasta que llegues a tu destino y logres entrar en un refugio seguro, si es que ya existe en alguna parte.
Mi casa es segura todavía, pienso, pero ¿por cuanto tiempo?.
El cansancio me invade, voy a caer de un momento a otro, y será el final de todo.
La idea me tienta, déjate llevar, túmbate en el suelo y espera tu final me digo. Todo será mas fácil así, acabarán tus angustias, pondrás fin a esta pesadilla interminable que no lleva a ningún sitio.
Me dejo caer, me dejo caer, la idea es atractiva y estoy a punto de apoyarme en una pared y deslizarme hasta el suelo cuando una forma minúscula que camina agarrada a la mano de otra forma mas grande invade mi vista.
Es un pequeño arrastrado casi por la mano de su madre o su padre, no hay forma de saberlo.
El recuerdo del pequeño que vive en casa llena mi mente y me impide caer allí mismo. Debes de seguir, me digo, no abandones, sería imperdonable que lo hicieras. Ellos tienen alguna posibilidad aún, tu no. Ya te dejarás morir cuando llegue el momento y estés en casa.
La idea de casa, de mi cama, de tumbarme y esperar el final me llega como bálsamo que alivia el cansancio. Mas aún la esperanza de proporcionar una oportunidad de salvación para Gloria y su pequeño me hace mover los pies, uno tras otro, otro paso más, y así poco a poco tras horas de caminar diviso la casa que busco.
Habrá alguien en ella o todo este esfuerzo no ha servido para nada.
Mi regazo o
mis muslos son la mejor cama para Gatufo, ahí duerme profundamente al
poco de encaramarse, y es frecuente que los dos ronquemos al unísono.
Me relaja sentirle encima, emite un calor sumamente agradable que entona mis articulaciones y las relaja.
Pasamos un rato en silencio antes de prepararnos para ir a la cama.
En los últimos años Cuca necesita mi ayuda para acostarse. Le ayudo a incorporarse, ir al baño, asearse, desvestirse, tumbarse en la cama y finalmente dejarle acostada antes de que yo mismo lo haga.
Gatufo siempre nos acompaña, quiere jugar y se mete por el medio, entre las piernas de ella y no la deja caminar con su andador el poco trecho que hace desde la silla de ruedas al baño o a la cama.
Nunca antes habíamos rezado juntos, tras muchos años de casados en los que ella rezaba en silencio y yo dormía de inmediato, ahora lo hacemos en voz alta. Suelo ser yo quien le pide a Dios padre que nos proteja, que cuide de nuestras hijas y amigos, perdone nuestras faltas, y siempre le agradecemos estar juntos los tres en la cama.
Gatufo siempre duerme en el medio de los dos. Primero se pone a nuestros pies y cuando pasa un rato se desliza sigiloso hacia arriba y se coloca muy comodón en el medio de nosotros. Aplasta la ropa y suele dejar destapada a Cuca pues se pega a ella.
Es nuestro rito cotidiano, una vez en la cama ya todo es paz hasta el día siguiente.
Últimamente esa paz ha desaparecido de mi cabeza. Pienso en lo que está pasando desde hace días y no concilio el sueño.
Esta noche tengo un atisbo de esperanza y empiezo a sentir que no se está acabando todo.
Lo vamos a tener más complicado siendo cuatro, habrá que administrar muy bien los alimentos, pero por otra parte voy a tener ayuda con Gloria para llevar la casa y cuidar de Cuca.
Parece una joven fuerte y animosa, seguro que se adaptará bien con nosotros mientras dure esta crisis. Luego ya buscaremos soluciones para ella y su hijo.
Con este pensamiento logro quedarme dormido y pasar página, aunque mi sueño dura escasamente seis horas, de repente estoy despierto y deseando tirarme de la cama.
El primer pensamiento va hacia los árboles, no es posible que se hayan derrumbado, ¿lo habré soñado?.
Voy al salón y atisbo la calle a través de los cristales del mirador. Los árboles de la avenida donde vivo están tirados sobre el asfalto y la acera.
Todas las hojas secas forman montones enormes que el viento lleva de un lado para otro, haciendo del respirar una labor penosa.
Habrá miles de millones de hojas secas revoloteando por todas las ciudades, todas a la vez y sin que nadie logré recogerlas como se hacía antes.
Que hace este gobierno a parte de vigilar, disparar y controlar los alimentos.
Tendría que limpiar las calles de árboles caídos y ramas podridas, millones de hojas en el suelo que empolvan todo.
Las alergias y las toses que acompañan es el denominador común a todos. Incluso los que antes no tuvieron alergia ahora la están adquiriendo y las afecciones de asma tienen que estar aumentando a limites insospechados.
¿A quien le importa con la situación que vivimos?, desde luego a las autoridades no, solo se preocupan de controlar, restringir y filtrar las noticias que llegan.
Mi regazo o mis muslos son la mejor cama para Gatufo, ahí duerme profundamente al poco de encaramarse, y es frecuente que los dos ronquemos al unísono.
Me relaja sentirle encima, emite un calor sumamente agradable que entona mis articulaciones y las relaja.
Pasamos un rato en silencio antes de prepararnos para ir a la cama.
En los últimos años Cuca necesita mi ayuda para acostarse. Le ayudo a incorporarse, ir al baño, asearse, desvestirse, tumbarse en la cama y finalmente dejarle acostada antes de que yo mismo lo haga.
Gatufo siempre nos acompaña, quiere jugar y se mete por el medio, entre las piernas de ella y no la deja caminar con su andador el poco trecho que hace desde la silla de ruedas al baño o a la cama.
Nunca antes habíamos rezado juntos, tras muchos años de casados en los que ella rezaba en silencio y yo dormía de inmediato, ahora lo hacemos en voz alta. Suelo ser yo quien le pide a Dios padre que nos proteja, que cuide de nuestras hijas y amigos, perdone nuestras faltas, y siempre le agradecemos estar juntos los tres en la cama.
Gatufo siempre duerme en el medio de los dos. Primero se pone a nuestros pies y cuando pasa un rato se desliza sigiloso hacia arriba y se coloca muy comodón en el medio de nosotros. Aplasta la ropa y suele dejar destapada a Cuca pues se pega a ella.
Es nuestro rito cotidiano, una vez en la cama ya todo es paz hasta el día siguiente.
Últimamente esa paz ha desaparecido de mi cabeza. Pienso en lo que está pasando desde hace días y no concilio el sueño.
Esta noche tengo un atisbo de esperanza y empiezo a sentir que no se está acabando todo.
Lo vamos a tener más complicado siendo cuatro, habrá que administrar muy bien los alimentos, pero por otra parte voy a tener ayuda con Gloria para llevar la casa y cuidar de Cuca.
Parece una joven fuerte y animosa, seguro que se adaptará bien con nosotros mientras dure esta crisis. Luego ya buscaremos soluciones para ella y su hijo.
Con este pensamiento logro quedarme dormido y pasar página, aunque mi sueño dura escasamente seis horas, de repente estoy despierto y deseando tirarme de la cama.
El primer pensamiento va hacia los árboles, no es posible que se hayan derrumbado, ¿lo habré soñado?.
Voy al salón y atisbo la calle a través de los cristales del mirador. Los árboles de la avenida donde vivo están tirados sobre el asfalto y la acera.
Todas las hojas secas forman montones enormes que el viento lleva de un lado para otro, haciendo del respirar una labor penosa.
Habrá miles de millones de hojas secas revoloteando por todas las ciudades, todas a la vez y sin que nadie logré recogerlas como se hacía antes.
Que hace este gobierno a parte de vigilar, disparar y controlar los alimentos.
Tendría que limpiar las calles de árboles caídos y ramas podridas, millones de hojas en el suelo que empolvan todo.
Las alergias y las toses que acompañan es el denominador común a todos. Incluso los que antes no tuvieron alergia ahora la están adquiriendo y las afecciones de asma tienen que estar aumentando a limites insospechados.
¿A quien le importa con la situación que vivimos?, desde luego a las autoridades no, solo se preocupan de controlar, restringir y filtrar las noticias que llegan.
Me relaja sentirle encima, emite un calor sumamente agradable que entona mis articulaciones y las relaja.
Pasamos un rato en silencio antes de prepararnos para ir a la cama.
En los últimos años Cuca necesita mi ayuda para acostarse. Le ayudo a incorporarse, ir al baño, asearse, desvestirse, tumbarse en la cama y finalmente dejarle acostada antes de que yo mismo lo haga.
Gatufo siempre nos acompaña, quiere jugar y se mete por el medio, entre las piernas de ella y no la deja caminar con su andador el poco trecho que hace desde la silla de ruedas al baño o a la cama.
Nunca antes habíamos rezado juntos, tras muchos años de casados en los que ella rezaba en silencio y yo dormía de inmediato, ahora lo hacemos en voz alta. Suelo ser yo quien le pide a Dios padre que nos proteja, que cuide de nuestras hijas y amigos, perdone nuestras faltas, y siempre le agradecemos estar juntos los tres en la cama.
Gatufo siempre duerme en el medio de los dos. Primero se pone a nuestros pies y cuando pasa un rato se desliza sigiloso hacia arriba y se coloca muy comodón en el medio de nosotros. Aplasta la ropa y suele dejar destapada a Cuca pues se pega a ella.
Es nuestro rito cotidiano, una vez en la cama ya todo es paz hasta el día siguiente.
Últimamente esa paz ha desaparecido de mi cabeza. Pienso en lo que está pasando desde hace días y no concilio el sueño.
Esta noche tengo un atisbo de esperanza y empiezo a sentir que no se está acabando todo.
Lo vamos a tener más complicado siendo cuatro, habrá que administrar muy bien los alimentos, pero por otra parte voy a tener ayuda con Gloria para llevar la casa y cuidar de Cuca.
Parece una joven fuerte y animosa, seguro que se adaptará bien con nosotros mientras dure esta crisis. Luego ya buscaremos soluciones para ella y su hijo.
Con este pensamiento logro quedarme dormido y pasar página, aunque mi sueño dura escasamente seis horas, de repente estoy despierto y deseando tirarme de la cama.
El primer pensamiento va hacia los árboles, no es posible que se hayan derrumbado, ¿lo habré soñado?.
Voy al salón y atisbo la calle a través de los cristales del mirador. Los árboles de la avenida donde vivo están tirados sobre el asfalto y la acera.
Todas las hojas secas forman montones enormes que el viento lleva de un lado para otro, haciendo del respirar una labor penosa.
Habrá miles de millones de hojas secas revoloteando por todas las ciudades, todas a la vez y sin que nadie logré recogerlas como se hacía antes.
Que hace este gobierno a parte de vigilar, disparar y controlar los alimentos.
Tendría que limpiar las calles de árboles caídos y ramas podridas, millones de hojas en el suelo que empolvan todo.
Las alergias y las toses que acompañan es el denominador común a todos. Incluso los que antes no tuvieron alergia ahora la están adquiriendo y las afecciones de asma tienen que estar aumentando a limites insospechados.
¿A quien le importa con la situación que vivimos?, desde luego a las autoridades no, solo se preocupan de controlar, restringir y filtrar las noticias que llegan.
Mi regazo o mis muslos son la mejor cama para Gatufo, ahí duerme profundamente al poco de encaramarse, y es frecuente que los dos ronquemos al unísono.
Me relaja sentirle encima, emite un calor sumamente agradable que entona mis articulaciones y las relaja.
Pasamos un rato en silencio antes de prepararnos para ir a la cama.
En los últimos años Cuca necesita mi ayuda para acostarse. Le ayudo a incorporarse, ir al baño, asearse, desvestirse, tumbarse en la cama y finalmente dejarle acostada antes de que yo mismo lo haga.
Gatufo siempre nos acompaña, quiere jugar y se mete por el medio, entre las piernas de ella y no la deja caminar con su andador el poco trecho que hace desde la silla de ruedas al baño o a la cama.
Nunca antes habíamos rezado juntos, tras muchos años de casados en los que ella rezaba en silencio y yo dormía de inmediato, ahora lo hacemos en voz alta. Suelo ser yo quien le pide a Dios padre que nos proteja, que cuide de nuestras hijas y amigos, perdone nuestras faltas, y siempre le agradecemos estar juntos los tres en la cama.
Gatufo siempre duerme en el medio de los dos. Primero se pone a nuestros pies y cuando pasa un rato se desliza sigiloso hacia arriba y se coloca muy comodón en el medio de nosotros. Aplasta la ropa y suele dejar destapada a Cuca pues se pega a ella.
Es nuestro rito cotidiano, una vez en la cama ya todo es paz hasta el día siguiente.
Últimamente esa paz ha desaparecido de mi cabeza. Pienso en lo que está pasando desde hace días y no concilio el sueño.
Esta noche tengo un atisbo de esperanza y empiezo a sentir que no se está acabando todo.
Lo vamos a tener más complicado siendo cuatro, habrá que administrar muy bien los alimentos, pero por otra parte voy a tener ayuda con Gloria para llevar la casa y cuidar de Cuca.
Parece una joven fuerte y animosa, seguro que se adaptará bien con nosotros mientras dure esta crisis. Luego ya buscaremos soluciones para ella y su hijo.
Con este pensamiento logro quedarme dormido y pasar página, aunque mi sueño dura escasamente seis horas, de repente estoy despierto y deseando tirarme de la cama.
El primer pensamiento va hacia los árboles, no es posible que se hayan derrumbado, ¿lo habré soñado?.
Voy al salón y atisbo la calle a través de los cristales del mirador. Los árboles de la avenida donde vivo están tirados sobre el asfalto y la acera.
Todas las hojas secas forman montones enormes que el viento lleva de un lado para otro, haciendo del respirar una labor penosa.
Habrá miles de millones de hojas secas revoloteando por todas las ciudades, todas a la vez y sin que nadie logré recogerlas como se hacía antes.
Que hace este gobierno a parte de vigilar, disparar y controlar los alimentos.
Tendría que limpiar las calles de árboles caídos y ramas podridas, millones de hojas en el suelo que empolvan todo.
Las alergias y las toses que acompañan es el denominador común a todos. Incluso los que antes no tuvieron alergia ahora la están adquiriendo y las afecciones de asma tienen que estar aumentando a limites insospechados.
¿A quien le importa con la situación que vivimos?, desde luego a las autoridades no, solo se preocupan de controlar, restringir y filtrar las noticias que llegan.
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